I'm a Creativity Coach – What the HECK is that?!

It feels like every other person is a coach these days, amiright? No, we didn’t all drink the 'Koolaid' – what we’re going through is a shift in power from the elite few at the top to the collective underneath it that powers the world. 

As a result of this shift, we’re waking up to how much knowledge we each have to share and that our lived experience can be a transformative way to learn, to teach and to evolve. It’s why the creator’s economy arrived and how it’s never been easier to start a business doing what you love. Bet you weren’t expecting I’d go ‘there’ so quickly, right? 

The reason I’m painting this picture is to help you understand how vital your creativity is right now. There’s never been a better time to be someone who doesn’t follow the rules – and that’s exactly what I’m here to show you how to do.

What’s a creativity coach?

Put simply, a creativity coach is someone who can help you ignite, maintain and expand your creativity in multiple ways. It’s not just about being artistic – painting, drawing and singing are creative skills, but we’ll dive MUCH deeper than that – it’s about changing how you look at life more broadly. 

When you identify as a creative being, the world becomes your canvas. When you’re empowered in this way, you view life’s challenges and adversities as invitations to get creative, to look for another way. 

The most creative people in the world aren’t the best artists either, they’re the ones who can connect the dots in new and surprising ways (that’s the sweet spot of genius right there!).  

Who needs a creativity coach?

Creativity isn’t a tool to solve one problem, but it’s the confidence and energy to solve every problem. “Is that even possible Dr Maz?” Yes, and do you know why? 

Because being creative is innate – it’s part of our DNA. Since the dawn of time we’ve made things, from simple tools to complex technologies, with ideas and improvements seemingly coming out of thin air. 

But they don’t – dear one, it’s always been YOU. You’ve been the one to get up every single day and make shit happen. You’re also the one who puts a cork in life when it all gets too much. 

So let’s talk about who might need a creativity coach and why (if you recognise yourself in this list then you know you’re in the right place). 

Creative entrepreneurs

Dearest startup founders, CEOs, small business owners and solopreneurs – you’ve got a big vision and it’s pretty heavy, right? Does it feel TOO big to contain sometimes? I get it, but you don’t have to hold it alone. 

Working with a creativity coach can help you: 

  • break apart that vision into manageable projects you can either prioritise (if you’re on your own) or hand over to your team to execute on

  • dissect your creative process to figure out where you’re blocked (especially if you’re spinning in circles procrastinating)

  • find the time and space to dream bigger while also keeping bandwidth for daily life. 

Artistic creatives

Dearest poets, writers, musicians, dancers, sculptors, animators and illustrators – your self expression, made tangible in your Art, is the essence of your creativity. 

As well as being a gift from the gods, unfortunately you’re also human and likely very sensitive. Your emotions often fuel your work but they can become a crutch that keeps you from blooming. 

Working with a creativity coach can help you: 

  • identify the sticking points in your creative process and work with you to build the skills you need to build momentum

  • unpack and reorganise your thoughts on a specific project you’re working on

  • build the creative self awareness to recognise when you need to push and when you need to rest.

In-house and agency teams

Dearest Creative Directors, Assistant Creative Directors, designers, copywriters and production assistants – your ability to sustain creative energy is your number one priority. 

Day in and day out you’re asked to do the impossible: to work faster, be more original and connect the dots on demand. Burnout is rife and resentment is always lurking around the corner – but you love the variety and crave stability.

Working with a creativity coach can help you: 

  • refine your process to make it simpler and more efficient

  • brainstorm ideas for current or future projects (think campaign concepts and content ideas)

  • explore new practices and tools to give you more energy and improve the quality of your downtime. 

People with a growth mindset

Dearest curious, compassionate, optimistic and proactive explorers – you want to think differently and are sick of all the noise. You don’t want to sound like anyone else and want to double down on yourself.

You’re working on yourself, proud of how far you’ve come and are grateful for what you have – but you still want more. More love, more connection and more serendipity. It’s not just about your work, but about every part of your life. 

Working with a creativity coach can help you: 

  • build your problem solving skills to feel more confident when shit gets hard

  • expand your thinking to entertain new perspectives on what’s blocking you

  • adapt your skills to new industries if you’re looking to switch gears or go out on your own and start a side hustle.  

When to work with a creativity coach

We all have our own tipping points, but often it’s time to ask for help when you’re sick of your own shit, ha. But beyond that, it might be time to work with a creativity coach when you feel:

  • stuck in a rut or blocked like a toilet

  • at the top of your game but need an extra brain to tackle a tricky problem

  • overwhelmed by all the ideas and don’t know how to validate them

  • frustrated by a lack of ideas

  • unable to take action on your ideas

  • like an imposter

  • self-doubt about your skills or vision, or

  • excited and motivated but equally directionless. 

This list isn’t exhaustive, but I truly feel you’ll know when it’s time to get support – and know that I’m here for you, with my electric creative paddles, ready to jumpstart your heart again.

So, what happens now?

That all depends on you and what you need. I’m not the kind of coach who’s going to coddle you or tell you what to do. Why? Because we’re talking about creativity here and the real joy lies in the process. 

I’ll help you fall in love with the journey so much that you’ll stop focusing on the destination. That way, you’ll end up somewhere you’ve only dreamed about – and isn’t that the point of being alive? 

If you’re game, book in for a 1:1 creativity coaching session. Everything you’re looking for is on the other side of whatever is blocking your creative energy – and you know, deep down, that you’re worth it. 


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